Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT)

Ashley Hartley Claimed

Topanga, California, United States

Guide Details

Topanga California 90290 USA

Hello! My name is Ashley Hartley, and I'm a certified Forest Therapy Guide through ANFT. I believe there’s an inherent connection, both spiritually and scientifically, to the natural world around you. “The great outdoors” is not a destination, and we are not separate from it. It’s the very life that lives through us. Our deepest forms of healing, connection, reciprocity and self-discovery occur in moments of nature immersion and the feeling of interconnectedness with all sentient beings. These experiences aid in demystifying “the outdoors” and allows for all people to feel comfortable in nature settings of all kinds. The vision is for all beings to remember inherent belonging to themselves, each other, and this planet by making connections in the natural world accessible and available to everyone who is interested. Hopefully this intentional relationship building in nature will help open people’s hearts even wider to hold compassion for all beings, including themselves. With my background in both forest bathing and mindfulness meditation, I look forward to connecting with you and assisting you in your own journey in any way I can.

Certified Guide:
Training Received From:
Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs (ANFT)*
Title / Role:
Certified Forest Therapy Guide
Certified Trail Consultant:

Map Location

company map
Topanga, California, United States
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