Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT)

Forest Therapy Guide Training


A remarkable journey into the heart of the forest; an encounter with the heart of humanity

This course is for anyone who wants to become a Certified Forest Therapy Guide. No prior knowledge or training required.

In this training, you will learn:

  • Learn how to guide ANFT’s Standard Sequence – A Powerful approach to nature connection
  • Sequencing forest therapy invitations for maximum impact and benefit
  • The heart-centered Way of the Guide approach
  • The Language of Invitation to help create powerful connections with self and nature
  • Somatic techniques for embodied awareness
  • The pedagogy and fundamentals of nature connection
  • Nature and forest therapy research and knowledge
  • Trail awareness and safety -how to choose a forest therapy trail
  • Getting to know your bioregion, its history, watershed, awarenesses and more
  • Facilitation skills that promote an open environment for group sharing
  • Expressive arts activities for forest therapy
  • Competency standards: what a Forest Therapy Guide should know and be able to do
  • Tips for successfully promoting your forest therapy offerings ‍
The training is designed in a way that will gently guide you through all the steps and processes to integrate and deepen the learning in your head and in your body. Upon completion of this course you will be able to succesfully guide forest therapy walks within the framework of ANFT’s guide certification training.

Schedule for Live Events

For your local time check  HERE

What is Included in the Training?

14 modules, over 120 lessons

Over 14 live calls with your trainers and cohort

Small group discussion calls with trainers

Downloadable manual

30+ short videos, recorded by different trainers

40+ assignments / self exploration activities

20+ nature connection activities

Access to research papers and studies

Fun Facts and Reflections

Remote Forest Therapy walks guided by trainers

Guide your own walks and debrief them

Access to the largest forest therapy guide's community


The tuition for the six month core guide training program is $3,350 (USD).

The tuition for the four-day immersion is $495 (USD). Wait to pay until you are ready to register for a specific immersion. You will have two years from the completion of your core guide training to do the immersion. This price does not include lodging, meals nor transportation.

Other costs include payment for Wilderness First Aid training, which is required for Certification, and is provided by third parties. Prices range from $100 to $300.

Tuition figures are subject to change.

Training Team

Meet the Trainers Call

Certification Pathway


6-Month Remote Training

You will start with a 6-month remote training, covering the content on live calls with the support of your trainers, fellow students, a very user friendly learning platform, many self exploration and nature connection activities that are done outside. After completing this training you get a provisional certification as a Certified Forest Therapy Guide. To view the available trainings scroll down


4-Day In-Person Immersion

After completing module 4 you can apply to attend a 4-day in-person immersion, for hands on forest therapy guiding experience with trainers and fellow students. You have two years time to complete this step.

To view the available immersions click HERE


Get Your Certification

After completing the 6-month remote training and the 4-day in- person immersion, you will receive your permanent certification as an ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide and be part of the largest Forest Therapy Guide Community Worldwide.

To view the Guide Directory, click HERE
IMPORTANT: Before you send out your application, please make sure that the schedule for the calls works for you and your time zone.
Before you enroll, please read our Payment, Refund and Transfer Policies.
Additional Questions? Check our FAQ section
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