Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT)

Our Guides

Our guides are an essential part of who we are. They are the ambassadors that spread the practice and the connection throughout the world. They create amazing and powerful ripples that reach people in incredible ways and have changed many lives.

We are very proud and grateful for our Guide’s family and the commitment and passion they bring into the world.

We are an international community of Forest Therapy Guides who have been trained by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. There are more than 2500 of us (growing each month), in over 65 countries on six continents, guiding in a dozen or more languages across  a multitude of diverse cultures.

We share our love of the more-than-human world and a passion to skillfully guide others toward remembering our deep relationship with all beings. We are energized by our shared commitment to establishing forest therapy as a high-quality, standards-based practice that is recognized throughout the world as an effective way to promote the well-being of people and the natural world.


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